2020 Reflection


2020. What a year.

A year that reminds us that we are still human and not in control. But He is.

This year started off with a bang. I was blessed to take a few trips, but by mid-march, all that changed.

What was my year like?

Like so many ( and so many still), I was unemployed for 2 ½ months, which ended up being a blessing for me personally. I was able to take a step back and look at my life and remove things that were not serving my life or future vision.

I was able to slow down and rest and rejuvenate.

I got that chair reupholstered; I got that artwork framed.

Sadly, A friend passed away.

A friend found Christ!

Friends and family struggled with health issues and still struggle with health issues outside of the pandemic.

I saw sinful humanity at its finest in all forms. We need Jesus. We all do.

I also saw and still see many people sacrificing their lives doing what is right as we continue through this pandemic. Thank you for your selfless service. You know who you are.

For 2020, I think Joy Ike said it best:

There's not much I know about light except that it changes everything. When even an ounce of light enters the room, darkness can no longer be. It's its own double-edged sword bringing clarity and truth, life and warmth, and at the same time exposing and lowering evil strongholds of death, darkness, and destruction. When light enters the room EVERYTHING CHANGES…Light exposes everything. May it expose the splinters in our own eyes and the stones in our own hearts. I am praying for God to soften the heart of this nation - the heart(s) of this nation. Let us not regret 2020 as a waste of days, but look back and see it as a year of true humbling - the year when we realized we needed more than buzzwords like 'pivot', 'privilege', and 'unprecedented'. Let it be the year when we realized we needed a humbling transformation. Let it truly be the year of 2020 vision.

~ Joy Ike, Recording Artist

I grew up. I moved forward, I took steps back, I stood still. I move forward.

I’m not the same person I was a year ago. I’m not the same person I was 6 months ago.

I’m also tapping into parts of myself that got buried along the way.

In the midst of it all, I am always hopeful for what the future holds.

In the midst of all the crazy and complexity of this life and situation, there is peace. It’s your choice.

I got in touch with the source and purpose of my life even more. Just the thought that we are created to love and enjoy Christ forever is mind blowing. I look forward to what He has planned for me as we walk through this next year together and always.

Stay curious, stay creative, and bask in His love. It will do you good.

Blessings and peace to you all,



 “Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

~ John 8:12

Photography:  https://www.annaswartzphotography.com/

Quote: https://www.joyike.com/