
I’ve been thinking for sometime now…off and on, about noise and silence, especially in regards to “that still small voice” and hearing God’s voice in my life, and how…

We distract ourselves today with so much noise.

I see family and friends do it all the time.

I do it. All. The. Time.

Social media noise. Listening to music. Watching a movie or tv show to distract myself from my thoughts.

I’ve caught myself reacting to silence out of fear so as to avoid what’s really going on in my head.

 But there is so much we miss out on in life because of avoiding silence and what’s really going on inside of us.

This podcast I listened to on my way to work the other day brought this full circle for me.

I am afraid of the power of silence.

We are afraid of the power of silence.

Which means we are afraid of what we really want. We don’t want to face our true selves and so we distract with so much noise.

I’m distracting myself from what is whispering to me.

So, I’m going to take a deep breath and work on spending time in silence. This podcast is a great way to prep.