Joannah Lodico

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Happy Independence Day and my Trip to Colonial Williamsburg

Gingerbread cookies fresh from the stone oven - yum! 

Drummers Call

Ready to learn some new music! ;) 

I make sure I go to the Renaissance Fair at least once a year. I wish I could do the same thing for Colonial Williamsburg. I love living history. It is the best way to learn about our past. This trip, I was blessed to spend about 3 ½ days in the revolutionary city. You could spend a week and still not learn or take in every little nook and cranny.

We made it in on a Saturday night and caught the tail end of the Drummers Call parade. At the end of the parade in front of the capital building, fife and drum groups from across America had a jam session – at one point we were caught in the middle of them all. It was exhilarating.  

We had the pleasure of seeing Kurt Smith first performance as a young Jefferson – excellent. The actors and employees that work at Williamsburg are friendly and down-to-earth. Their love and passion shows. I have always wanted to work at Williamsburg, and I hope to do so someday. I made some great connections. :) The Colonial era is one of my favorite times in history to study – especially the music. Harpsichords are one of my favorite instruments and I always take the opportunity to play one. ;)

With everything going on politically in our country this year, it was good to go back to the beginning and refresh my memory, and expand my understanding with new and vital information about our founding fathers and the reality of people’s lives during that volatile time in history.

I hope to one day celebrate our countries Independence in Williamsburg – that would be amazing. For now, I will celebrate with a bonfire and enjoy my friends and family at home.

Happy Independence Day,